15 Fall Family Fun Nights
Fabulous DJ Friends... A big huge HOORAY for Autumn finally arriving! I've said this too many times...but it absolutely is my favorite season of all! There are so many reasons to celebrate this incredible time of the year. Last week I was talking to my children (who are grown and busy with their lives and children now) about how much we love FALL. We composed this FALL FAMILY FUN NIGHTS list based on their favorite memories of the things we did on our family nights together. I didn't go into much detail on the specifics of each activity on our idea list, but I definitely could! We have so much fun as a family doing the simplest things.
Download this list and tape it to the fridge... hopefully it will help spur on the good times. (Just click on the image for the full size/full resolution version, & save it to your computer or print.) I created the border using clip art from our Kidoodlez for LIFE CD (except for the leaves & pumpkin kid... which I added for an extra splash of autumn on the page). 'For Life' is such a great CD to have in your collection. There's over 375 images of kids on the playground, families, community helpers, healthy foods, special-needs kids etc etc. You'll love it! (Especially because it's on SALE through October 23, 2015!) And it's my biggest hope for my children and YOU as well that Autumn brings you memories and smiles all season long! Leaves, big sweaters, and pumpkin patch smiles to YOU! Dianne