New Mermaid Clip Art Smiles
Darling Friends...
Hope this note finds you smiling, happy and warming up with the weather! Summer and all it's fun has definitely arrived! Anytime the high temperature is 90 degrees in the afternoon, that's summertime to me. And summertime means 'beach' time! I don't know how this happened exactly...but every one of my children are 'water babies'. They would be SO happy if every activity and place we went together had something to do with the water. It's the biggest reason we all moved from the mountains in the west, to the beach crazed Florida (lol!). So it was fabulous fun to create this month's SNIPPET collection featuring mermaids and under the sea selections. Ohhh... I just love them! The first time my mom read 'The Little Mermaid' to me...I was obsessed! It seemed (and they still are to me) the best mythical creature ever created. I hope you enjoy this collection as much I did drawing it. And if you're wondering....yes I did have the Little Mermaid soundtrack going on in the background while I was drawing this set :) !! Enjoy the desktop background FREEBIE that my daughter Alixess created for you with the Snippets set too. It's too cute! As well as the oobber darling other sea clip art collections we have for you. Under the sea... under the sea!! Darling it's better down where it's wetter.. take it from me! Sunshine and smiles to YOU Dianne

Edited: 06/20/13 03:39 PM