Experience the 5 Senses with FALL!
Darling DJ Friends! Happy Autumn! It's finally HERE and so spectacular (from the mountains of Utah)! I just got home from a morning drive and hike through one of the most awesome displays of bright fall colors, savory sage smells and crunchy scurrying leaves sounds I have ever encountered. It was completely inspiring. Looked like mother nature got out the fluorescent crayon box and just went to town! It couldn't be a better time of year to teach and experience the five senses and share in the fabulousness of FALL! Drum-roll please....SO happy to present our newest (and most requested)
clip art download the Five Senses. I've had this on my 'drawing bucket list' for too long now. And I'm thrilled and thankful for the comments and requests on what you need in the way of clip art and printables for your home and school. Hope you enjoy this set and I can't wait to see it 'in use' for your classroom and home.
Speaking of seeing what YOU are up to...thank you to the many over-the-top-FANTASTIC entries in the DJ Back to School contest. I was a mess of smiles seeing what your rooms, decorations and creative efforts brought in. I wish you could have heard my oooo's and ahhhh's and squeals of delight with every entry. We have posted all of the contest entries in the DJ Gallery and the winners have been announced. I loved them ALL! Amazing work my DJ Friends... simply amazing. I really think it was some of the best entries we've ever had in a contest before. Be sure you take a look... Like this time of year inspires and delights me...so do YOU. Thank you for your support of DJ Inkers. What you share and do, triggers a great big smile and camaraderie for what I do as well. Simply put... share those smiles. They always come back to you.
Well, I'm going to go make some gingersnap cookies and put the branch of brilliant red leaves in a vase. Could this beautiful autumn day be any better!?!! Huge heart and smiles Dianne