G'babies are HERE! And a FREEBIE for YOU!
My dear, darling Blog Buddies... My heart and head is too full to even think of what or how to write the most important DJ Blog post I've ever written (to date). I keep trying to come up with what's not too mushy or impersonal to say about the two brand-spanking-new loves in my life. I can hardly wrap my heart around it all. Let alone words. Holding my daughter Abby's hand while she labored through 12 hours of contractions and seeing my first little grandson Devin come into this world was nothing short of a miracle. I have tears in my eyes again just thinking about it. Watching my daughter hold her new baby and sharing that moment was heaven on earth I tell you. Complete heaven. And then. Just barely as I caught my breath and helped Abby through the first week of Devin's life.... daughter Alix called bright and early one morning a week later (they were due one MONTH apart from each other) and told me her water had broken and meet her at the hospital, because grandbaby number 2 was on his way here. Jackson arrived 5 hours and 2 orange popscicles later and I haven't been able to stop tearing up since. Another perfect miracle. (and fyi... Alix is the DJ Office Manger and keeps the web going...I hardly know how to function without her!) Sharing this journey of birth and labor with my girls was life-altering. I heard from many friends that it would be, but being there holding their hands with their husbands and watching them go through it all was amazing.
There's been much love, heart, memories, advice, diapers, laundry and wondering if they'll ever sleep through a night again (remember those days?) for the past two weeks. Today's been the first 'day' that I've not been with my girls and their babies, and I'm missing them already! I've got to figure out how to pace myself and this grandma gig! I know this blog post is not very 'business-y' and I'm really wondering if I should attempt to write it again sans mush. But I'm not going to. So many of you have shared congratulations and sweet sentiments about my 'grandma quest' that I wanted to share this story with you. Because I really do feel we're more connected than just 'typical blog stuff'. I consider anyone that's a supporter and fan of DJ Inker's a friend. I know we may not know each other face to face. But we do share smiles, and a lot of heart for making the world a little better with our creations together. So bare with me on my personal stuff. And for reading to the end of this post I want to share something fantastic with YOU!! Instead of passing out chocolate or bottles of champagne (do they still do that when a baby is born??) I want to give YOU a DJ BABY FREEBIE. DJ Special Delivery scrapbook set. Enjoy!! (leave a comment here on the blog and we'll email you the link for the DJ Special Delivery FREEBIE). I'll be giving them away for one week (offer ends July 23, 2013). Hope to hear from you! Here's the sample I made using the set (soooooo cute!!) and thank you again for your comments and support. Here's to miracles. And beautiful, enchanting grandbabies. Love love love!!! Dianne (and daughters and new babies!

Edited: 07/16/13 11:49 PM