Getting the kids & classroom back to school!
Hi my darling DJ Friends!
Hope this note finds you all fantastic and getting the kids and the classroom back to school! Yeahooo! Don't you just love this time of year?! It's absolutely full of my favorite things. Sweaters, fall leaves, harvesting, cooler days and nights, snuggling into the season. I have a cinnamon sticks simmering on the stove right now to add the warm spicy scent to the air. Ahhhh. I just love it!
I just wanted to write and remind you about the Back to School contest we have going on right now. You can't imagine how much inspiration we get from the entries of your projects, homes and classrooms when you enter our contests. I know you probably don't know this, but I subscribe to many of your classroom blogs and just peruse through the work you're doing to teach children quite often. I grin from ear to ear seeing the centers you set-up and the worksheets you create and think how fortunate the children that are in your classes and homes are. What you're doing 'out there' simply amazes me. I'm so grateful to be part of what you're creating. Spread the smiles and ideas around. Wouldn't it be great to WIN a $100 DJ Inker's gift certificate just for entering a snapshot of your room!? There's great prizes for 2nd & 3rd place too! Entering is easy. :) Click here for more information on how to enter our 2014 Back to School Teacher Contest! Looking forward to seeing what you're doing!