Sending you hearts, love & a special DJ Valentine
Hello DJ Darlings!
Can you feel LOVE in the air?! Hearts, chocolate and cupid shooting an arrow to my heart are just a few reasons I absolutely love February and Valentine's Day. I try not to focus too much on whether or not my sweetheart will 'remember' the date or bring roses. (I let that go a long time ago!) My best memories of Valentine's day have always been from elementary school. We would make a red and pink covered Valentine holder or 'mailbox' from an oatmeal can or shoe-box. I remember sticking those little candy hearts on my homemade cards with Elmer's glue (they never stuck!)... and best of all my Mom was the 'room mother' for our class party. She would make homemade cinnamon rolls every year. Ahhh, those were the good ol' days! (Btw... if you need some inspiration, we have a very cute printable set to help YOU make a super-cute Valentine Mailbox!)
I still send Valentine cards to all my friends and family. This year... I'm giving YOU one too! It's a cute, easy printable of the Valentines that I've created so we can all share the love. The link to access this FREEBIE is only available from the DJ Blog. It's a special thank you for being a supportive and loyal DJ fan!
I've been on a watercoloring kick lately... so that's how I put mine together. Nothing too fancy, just a cheap little watercolor set and a brush. Yours are in black & white so you can have fun with the coloring part... or bust out the ol' watercolors too! A card that you put a little homemade touch to speaks much sweeter than a card from the store. Print a page or two for yourself, your kids.... or print lots and share them with your class to color and exchange!

I made these cards using clip art from our new "DJ Love Words" collection. (Hearts and words are my favorite things to draw.) We have SO many cute clip art sets and sweet DJ fonts to help you create a smile for Valentine's Day! Click here to check them out now... and feel the love!
Much love and Happy Valentine's Day to YOU!!
P.S. Wanna help us share the love & DJ smiles? Refer a friend to DJ Inkers! If they place an order before Valentine's Day... YOU will earn 200 DJ reward points per friend!!! (Regular reward is 150 points.)