I'm not sure when I got hooked on DJ Inkers...
We are so happy to introduce our guest blogger, Patty Rutenbar! Take it away Patty... I'm not sure when I got hooked (Ha! No pun intended!) on DJ Inkers, but I do know it was a long time ago. (The DJ behind DJ Inkers is Dianne Hook!) When I first started blogging and creating things the only clip art I had was DJ Inkers. I knew that they would allow me to make anything I wanted with their clip art and use it with my class. But in the beginning, I really want to start sharing what I made to see if others might like my work. I spoke with the staff from DJ Inkers several times to be sure that I was doing the right thing. At the time, their rule was that if you made something with their clip art you could only give it away for free. That was fine at first, but then I realized that if I could sell it, I might make a bit of money too. Not long after that, DJ Inkers introduced their commercial licenses for people who wanted to sell things with their clip art or fonts. I picked up their license right away. Again, I asked lots of questions and they were always, ALWAYS very easy to talk to and had answers for me. I never felt criticized or shamed because I asked a silly question or if I needed to make some changes to something I was doing. I always encourage others to pick up their license if they want to use DJ Inkers clip art or fonts. You can read more about it here.
If you go to my store, you'll see that I do have a lot of their clip art and fonts in my work. I've also been fortunate enough to have them buy some of my work. (There's a boost to my morale! Thinking that THEY like MY stuff was so exciting!) The first thing they bought from me was Fraction Frenzy. They even bought a few others too! I want to show you how I recently incorporated some of their clip art with that of some other artists. This is actually something I made last year, but it needed to be updated. It's funny how I just loved it when I first made it, but now, I love it even more.
(Click the picture to go directly to my store.) Because DJ fonts are so popular & great for making projects for school, we've decided to give away one 'DJ Fonts for Teachers' download!!! Hopefully this will help you with your creations. Enter below... Smiles to YOU... Patty Rutenbar a Rafflecopter giveaway