NEW Border Covers
Darling Friends... Just wanted you to drop you a little line and let you know about our NEW set of Border Covers featured on the DJ email this week. This digital download in response to a frequent request we hear at DJ Inker's... (and thank you for letting me know what is helpful to YOU in making your creations! We really do listen and appreciate your help and comments). I wanted to put something bright, cute and simple together for the 'cover page' of the many PDF teacher projects being created 'out there'. But! You can use them for so many other things too. Let your imagination run wild! Here's a sample using Border Covers, my daughter put together for a baby book she's creating. Use a DJ Font, combine your favorite DJ designs and waaaaalaaa! So cute and easy.
I know many of teachers and crafters are looking more toward building and creating things 'electronically' and we are constantly trying to keep up with you and create SMILES and projects to help you. If there are sizes and formats that work particularly well for you, please let us know and we'll incorporate that into the downloads we offer too. Hope you're week is spectacular! Big heart and bigger SMILES to YOU! Dianne