Personalize this Holiday Season
Dear DJ Friends... I'm smiling as I sit down to write this note to you. Laughing out loud actually. It's HOLIDAY time!! How in the world did a year go by (again!) so quickly?! Ahhh....I must be getting old. It just seems like yesterday I was taking the ornaments off the tree and tucking them away for next year. And here it is...'next year' already. And what a year it's been. Packed with so many wonderful, difficult, interesting and heart-felt moments and events. I'm so grateful for every one of them. Are you ready for the holidays? I want to help you create something fun and memorable this year. I've been busy talking with my daughters and coming up with some great new products for YOU this year. Their lives are pretty crazy right
now too...with kids, work, school and families of their own. I ask them the same thing I ask you....what can I help you create that will add a smile to your home, class, and church projects? The number one thing they said was "we need a Christmas/holiday card!" So... I'm on it! Since we've figured out how to 'personalize' things for you easily on our website, that's exactly what we have in store for you this year. YEAHHOOO! I think you'll love them. And talk about easy-peasy. Take a peek and get your personalized DJ cards ordered today! I'll be adding a number of products this holiday season on the 'personalized' category that will give a special touch to all your giving and doing. Along that same thought...I wanted to give you a quick head's up that our annual 12 Holly Daze Sale is coming up!! We are SO ready to help fill your stockings with amazing sales and freebies this year. won't want to miss a single day! The best way to stay on top of all of the holiday goodies & great sales is to join our weekly email newsletter list. Each day is a 24 hour thing... so these notes are a helpful reminder.
I am one very blessed woman. And I thank you for being part of my journey and support with DJ Inkers. I couldn't do this without you. Love, heart and SMILES to YOU! Dianne