Taaaa-daaaa!!! We happily welcome you to our new DJ Inkers website!
Darling DJ Friends! It's been too long since I've written a blog post! So please forgive me if I ramble... Have you ever moved from one house to another? Thought you were buying a better, bigger house only to find a massive amount of work, deliberation and clueless-ness surrounding all the pieces and parts of the new house? Well. Without whining too much, that's what moving to our new website has been. (Ohhhh I have longed for the simpler, easier days when I just sold those cute little clip art books to stores and no one knew what a website was!) But alas....it's 2016 and for reasons unknown to me, we needed some updates on our website. So taaaa-daaaa!!! We happily welcome you to our new DJ Inkers website! Faster, mobile-friendly, more searchable and cleaned-up (apparently). For me, what I know for sure is I just want YOU to be able to find the smiles you need for the projects you're creating. I would SO appreciate your help/comments in knowing how the new DJ site is working for you. It's like asking your good friend what color to paint the walls or how to decorate your new house. I value your opinion and what you have to say greatly. Please let me know your thoughts :) In fact... if you leave a comment below regarding our NEW website... we'll send you a coupon for 40% off ONE item of your choice! Wahoooo!
*DJ commercial licenses & renewals not eligible for discount. I've been creating some fabulous, fun NEW stuff for summer... and smiles all year! Can't wait to show you what I've been busy with. I think we'll have a great time together creating one SMILE after another! Sunny days, huge heart and smiles to YOU! Dianne