Win $100 in our Holiday Teacher Contest!
Darling Friends! Just wanted to post a quick note to you and remind you to enter the HOLIDAY TEACHER'S CONTEST we have going on at DJ Inker's right now! Pretty please enter it!! I love seeing what you're doing in your classroom with DJ Inker's art.
It's a great way to share your ideas in the class room and WIN a pile of smiles too! In order to qualify your project must: be holiday or winter themed, use at least 3 DJ images and 1 DJ font (of course, you can use more). Limit 3 project submissions per person. One first place winner will get a $100 DJ gift certificate, with a $50 gift certificate for second place & $20 for third! :) Entries must be emailed to us by midnight EST on Friday, November 22, 2013. Send to: with subject line: Teacher Contest. (We prefer PDF or jpg formats at high resolution, .doc format also accepted.) Be sure to include your name and current email address so that we can contact you if you win! All eligible entries will be featured in our 'Ideas & Samples' gallery for the holidays! Winners will be announced on next month's Teacher Corner email. Can't wait to see the smiles YOU'RE creating :) Dianne

Edited: 11/18/13 07:08 PM