Yay for our Guest Blogger! Bringing smiles to teaching the 3 Branches of Government
We are excited to introduce Aris, our first GUEST BLOGGER at DJ Inkers. :) We just love her ideas... & it's so fun to see what she's done with our clip art and fonts! Plus, President's Day is right around the corner... so the theme is perfect! So, without further ado...
Hello DJ friends! I'm Aris Rossi from Sailing into Second and I'm beyond excited to be guest posting for Dianne today! {Holy moly these are some HUGE shoes to fill!} Today I'll be sharing some mini lessons on the 3 Branches of Government using DJ Inkers Kidoodlez U.S.A Clip Art! In social studies, we've been learning about our U.S. Government, specifically the 3 branches of government. I started out with a pictorial input chart (a strategy adapted from Project GLAD) where I created colorful visuals of information (picture notes) to describe each of the three branches. I drew the picture as I described each of the vocabulary words and concepts. I also used colors to organize/chunk important information. It's super important to revisit the chart on multiple occasions to add additional information or images. We always keep our pictorial input charts available as resources all around the classroom. At the end of the unit, I "auction" the charts or KWL's off to students...they go b-a-n-a-n-a-s over them! It's absolutely hilarious! Here's an example of the one we've been using during this unit. One activity I used to help my students remember what each branch does and is responsible for was this fun sorting activity!

Overall, I'd say they enjoyed learning about a topic that might not always be a hit with the kids. It really helps to branch out (no pun intended!) and teach this topic across the curriculum. We spent many days focusing on the important aspects of our U.S. Government, but really made it accessible to my students in a variety of ways and activities. DJ Inkers Kiddodlez U.S.A. Clip Art made these activities and worksheets MUCH cuter! What are some ways you use DJ Inkers in your classroom? I'd love to hear all about it!
And as a special gift, DJ Inkers has a coupon just for YOU to SAVE 25%! All you have to do is enter coupon code: DJUSA in the box at the bottom of the 'view cart' page, click apply & enjoy! Just be sure to use your coupon before it expires on President's Day (February 17, 2014).